Service transfer
There may be many different reasons for handing over the management of your intellectual property rights to Arnold & Siedsma. If, for example, you are not satisfied with your current service provider, you are looking for an office based in your region or you wish to centralise so that you can then work together with a single office for all your intellectual property requirements (patents, trademarks, designs, copyright, agreements, conducting of proceedings).
If you are considering handing over the management of your intellectual property rights to us, we can arrange this quickly and efficiently for you without causing you any significant administrative problems. The actions we will take include:
- examining your portfolio of intellectual property rights and advising you on the composition of the portfolio, depending of course on your wishes and your strategic objectives;
- entering your data into our management system, as a result of which all formalities and associated deadlines will be reliably and efficiently adhered to during the registration procedure;
- offering on-line access to our management system so that you can obtain a complete overview of all ongoing cases at all times;
- offering on-line access to our digital document management system;
- informing the official bodies, whereby all correspondence will then run via Arnold & Siedsma retrieving the existing files from your current service provider.
If you are considering a transfer, contact one of our attorneys without obligation.