The Hague
With the office of the Court of The Hague, the NL Patent Office and the European Patent Office, The Hague has long been the IP and patent capital of the Netherlands.
Arnold & Siedsma BV
Bezuidenhoutseweg 57
2594 AC The Hague
Postbus 18558
2502 EN The Hague
VAT number: NL008581769B01
KvK registration number: 20060991
T: +31 70 365 48 33
Parking: Q-park CS-New Babylon: Prinses Irenestraat 1 – 2595 BD The Hague
Thanks to the presence of the European Patent Office, The Hague is one of the two patent capitals of Europe. Our office in The Hague is not only a short distance away from these important official bodies, but is also located centrally in a particularly innovative region.
In the scientific field, The Hague is surrounded by the Erasmus University, Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and the independent knowledge organisation TNO. The port of Rotterdam and the Westland, both of which are in the catchment area of our office in The Hague, are also a breeding ground for innovation in the transport sector and horticulture sector respectively. Along with patent attorneys who are experts in various technical fields, experienced lawyers and trademark lawyers also work in our office in The Hague, ensuring that we deliver the best possible service.