Dr. Fokko Smakman

Trainee patent attorney


Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Plant breeding


Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular biology, Plant breeding


Fokko is an ambitious and curious professional with years of experience in microbiolgical research. After completing his bachelor and master biology in Leiden, he earned his PhD in micriobiology and microbial ecology from ETH Zurich in Switzerland. Due to his scientific background as a researcher, he has extensive experience in analytically approaching complex systems and problems and solving them effectively. He also supervised three students in their final projects and cooperated with colleagues in other fields. Fokko is always open to brainstorming with others to find new ways of looking at and solving problems.

After his years in the lab, Fokko is now looking forward to using his knowledge and experience as a patent attorney. Here he can work in a more applied way on a wide variety of projects, and still be engaged in his passion for science and innovation.

What others say about Fokko

Quick-witted, enthusiastic, analytical and goal-oriented


“Fokko is a terrific team player in the lab, generous with
his time and eager to discuss his results and the work of labmates. I have no doubt that he
would fit in well and enliven any professional environment.” – Msc final project supervisor

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