Erik Bartelds MSc

EP, NL, BE patent attorney


Aerospace engineering, Mechanical engineering


Within Arnold & Siedsma, Erik is responsible for drafting patent applications in the fields of machinery construction, vehicle technology, agricultural machinery, artificial grass and packaging for consumer products.

Erik has extensive experience in grant procedures at the European Patent Office in the fields of aerospace engineering, general mechanics, civil engineering, vehicle technology and software. He has been involved in a large number of opposition and appeal cases, including those for a major American aircraft manufacturer.

Since 2004, the aircraft manufacturer has been faced with objections to its European patents. These have been filed by a major European competitor. Erik intervenes regularly and successfully in these opposition proceedings for the American client, who is able as a result to enforce its economically important patent portfolio in Europe.

Erik studied Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology. The main areas of study were aerodynamics, aviation mechanics, control systems, propulsion systems and designs and materials.

What others say about Erik

Quick-witted, creative, tenacious

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