What value must be assigned to patent rights in the event of a takeover? And what is the position if you wish to grant or acquire a licence for a patent? Arnold & Siedsma offers independent advice.
Due diligence or audit: Arnold & Siedsma can analyse the strengths and weaknesses of a patent portfolio and provide an assessment of the technological and legal value of existing patent rights.
A further step involves the assessment of the financial value of a patent or invention. Arnold & Siedsma works together with financial professionals to carry out a valuation of this type, using a tried and tested model.
Valuation: The value of a patent depends, inter alia, on the residual term of the patent and its commercial applicability. The licences on the patent, for example, are examined here.
Arnold & Siedsma is one of a small number of parties with actual experience of evaluating a patent from a technical perspective. For this, you can get in touch with our specialist in this field: Paul Hylarides.