Trademark registration
The only way to obtain an exclusive right for your trademark is to file and definitively register it. Arnold & Siedsma is involved on a daily basis with the filing of trademarks for its clients with the official body or bodies designated for that purpose. It then also has frequent contact with these officials and partners around the world.
Trademark registration for specific products and services
A trademark is registered for specific products and/or services. This product and/or service description is referred to as the classification. It is important to think carefully about the products/services for which you intend to use your trademark, now and in the near future. Immediately at the time when your trademark is filed, a full summary of all relevant products and/or services can be included, given that it is not possible to add products or services to the classification at a later stage. The classification used when the trademark is filed can only be further restricted at a later stage if a further specification of products or services takes place or specific products or services are withdrawn. On the basis of its many years of experience, Arnold & Siedsma can draw up the correct classification for you and in consultation with you, and can give you expert advice on the options that are available in this context.
Trademark registrations anywhere in the world
Our trademark attorneys are expert in every aspect of the registration and supervise the procedure efficiently and effectively from start to finish. The area of work is not limited to the Benelux, but extends to all countries where registration is desired and possible, anywhere in the world.
Effective protection for your trademarks
Arnold & Siedsma will be pleased to work with you to devise the correct strategy to achieve effective protection for your trademarks, allowing you to maximise the benefits that the different registration options can offer you.