Trademark searches
There are millions of registered trademarks to which a specific claim to protection is linked. The launch of a new trademark requires substantial investments in production, advertising and marketing. Preliminary research into the availability of a trademark is vitally important to prevent investments from being wasted or, even worse, the market launch from being stopped.
Trademark searches by Arnold & Siedsma
Arnold & Siedsma offers a broad choice of possible searches which it can carry out for you. These searches can vary from an exploratory “screening” for the existence of identical trademarks in the large number of available databases. We can also carry out a very extensive search for the existence of all identical and matching trademarks and similar trade names or designs for you via specialist search offices.
Worldwide trademark searches
This service is not restricted to the Benelux, but can be carried out for you for any required country, anywhere in the world. Arnold & Siedsma has access to many national and international databases and maintains close contact with the official bodies. Consequently, we can determine the status of a trademark application/registration in an efficient manner.